Tall enough that when Bu puts his feet on the counter (which YES he gets shoved down and told no whenever I catch him) that he now can reach whatever is on top of the microwave. I found this out today because I went up stairs to grab something and when I came back down, in Bu's mouth was the dark rye bread that was stashed on top of the microwave!!! The baby boy is growing rapidly. In the past 10 weeks, we've went through 99lbs of dog food. (3 33lbs bags! I just bought #4 and will have to open it in the next few days)
Puppy class is a riot. Our first class was on Tuesday...Mr. Bu thought it was his job to meet EVERY single person and dog in the room. This made me VERY tired in an hour. If you would have told me "Down" "stay" I'd have been glad to obey! We didn't need to worry about confidence....he wasn't afraid of ANY of the things out on the floor...nope, he just didn't understand why I was bothering him at all...there were people to see, dogs to play with...and why the heck does he need to be next to ME? No, I won't take it too personally, but come on... I'd like to rate somewhere in this dog's book!
House training is going really well...not that we don't have some accidents....but I think that is STARTING to really sink in.
What is NOT going well... Mr. Bugenhagen still insists on mouthing. I have more holey clothes than I'd prefer to talk about. My arms, legs, and now rump! (he can reach) have more bruises than I ever care to see. (Okay, it's not that bad, but it really really makes me mad) I am unable to give effective and meaningful corrections it seems. I'm back at a standstill on this one. I am not proud to say I've lost my temper MORE than once...but nothing seems to give me that remorseful "gee I know I did something wrong" look. I mean, if I could just get that...ya know... something so that I knew there was something going on in that cute little head... So, I'm calling the trainers I know again and seeing what more I can do.
I'll post some pictures as soon as I can.
There is a product called Bitter Apple. It is an extrememly nasty tasting but perfectly safe product that you can spray right into his mouth every time he mouths you. Also, you can spread it on your skin so he gets a nice suprise next time he makes the attempt. Look for it in any pet store. There are other versions of it as well.
Do you have somewhere you can separate him off from you when he gets too mouthy? When River was a pup he liked nipping at pants legs and quickly learnt that if he did that and didn't stop when told he'd get a 20 second stint in the bathroom - BORING!! We only had to do it about four times - he caught on really quickly that nipping = no more playing.
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