Monday, May 14, 2007

I Love Bu!

Oh, I have the best dog in the world! He's most certainly a puppy -- I have tooth marks and scratches to prove it -- and I'm going through the paper towels when we miss each other's signals for "getting busy"... but, I love him. He's calm and affectionate and doesn't mind a lot of people. Today we experienced a lawnmower (he was unphased!) and a rake (he REALLY wanted to help!) By far, his favorite thing to chew on, other than me, is plastic or wood. I think this is because he can actually sink his teeth into those two things. He was really great around Julie and Erich as well as the karate kids today. Ohh, and he climbed the stairs (and then while I was down stairs proceeded to poo on my pants. *sigh*) I still don't let him climb them normally...and he still doesn't try to go down any of them... What fun. He does try and jump up on the couch and on the bed... and this is a very funny sight. We took a nap today with him crashed out on my chest. Have I said "I'm in LOVE" enough? I think we will be getting into a routine in the next few days. Tomorrow we go to the Vet for the first time. More on that in 24 hours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, you did it. You landed yourself a great dog! It was fun seeing him last night, he sure has a mellow temperament.

He's perfect.